
Post-doctoral position in Online Learning

A post-doctoral position is available at Université Côte d’Azur!  « Online/Incremental Learning for Spatial Applications » [Please find the full description in the pdf enclosed] Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Online learning, Incremental/Continual Learning, Influence functions, data pruning, federated learning Mission: Executing machine learning (ML) algorithms on satellite could offer many advantages. It will indeed reduce the required bandwidth, […]

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Post-doctoral position in Embedded Artificial Intelligence

A post-doctoral position is available at Université Côte d’Azur!  « Design and implementation of a brain-inspired embedded multimodal model applied to a nonlinear photonics application » [Please find the full description in the pdf enclosed] Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Multimodal Unsupervised learning, Brain-inspired methods, Nonlinear Photonics Mission: Multi modal sensing is key to how the human brain processes […]

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Internship: Development of a prototype HW platform for embedded object detection with bio-inspired retinas

The goal of this internship project is to deploy this spike-based AI solution onto an embedded smart camera provided by the Prophesee company. The camera is composed of an event-based sensor and an FPGA. The work will mainly consist in deploying the existing software code (in C) on the embedded CPU, integrate the HW accelerator (VHDL) onto the FPGA and make the communication between them through an AXI-STREAM bus. The last part of the project will consist in realizing experimentations of the resulting smart cameras to evaluate the real-time performances and energy consumption before a validation onto a driving vehicle.

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Ingénieur (H/F) responsable du développement d’un système expérimental de blockchain sur des véhicules

Le laboratoire LEAT (UMR CNRS 7248) développe un certain nombre de travaux visant à créer un système de blockchain expérimental au sein des véhicules pour pouvoir remonter des informations et ainsi créer de nouveaux services. Il faut aussi faire en sorte que la blockchain ainsi créée puisse s’interfacer avec d’autres types de blockchain au travers d’une interface développée par Symag (Blocksy). Les missions associées à ce poste sont donc de participer à l’ensemble des travaux industriels visant à équiper un véhicule d’une ECU capable de communiquer avec des Blockchains et des Smart Contracts.

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